Quarantech Tuesday Talks Longer-Lasting Stencil Coating
Keep up with industry trends by registering for our technical webinar series, Quarantech Tuesday! The webinar episodes, co-hosted by FCT Solder and BlueRing Stencils, have SMT Experts on the show to share their knowledge and answer any questions you may have in real-time. Tune in as we discuss common assembly defects, yield issues, and simple solutions to enhance every assembly process.
Back by popular demand, we are rebooting our “SMT Nano-Coatings, Breaking the Longevity Barrier” webinar. Gain access to this advanced technology for your stencils in the coming weeks. Register for Quarantech Tuesday to learn more about impressive findings regarding upgrades to the longevity of NanoSlic Gold.
WHEN: February 2, 2021
TOPIC: SMT Nano-Coatings, Breaking the Longevity Barrier
Join us as Greg Smith from BlueRing Stencils and Steve Johnson from Florida Cirtech discusses research to date on this new technology including background of the chemical and physical modification, how it affects the stencil production process, performance test results including novel test methods developed specifically to measure coating longevity and a comparison of major coatings on the market with emphasis on longevity.
Look for more information about future topics, including:
– Unique printing technologies
– High-reliability alloys
– Tooling and fixture advancements
– …and MORE!!!